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Purpose: To report a case of isolated squamouscell carcinoma of cornea.
No association was seen between physical activity and esophageal squamouscell carcinoma.
The medical literature regarding squamouscell neoplasia in DES-exposed patients is discussed.
Herein, we report two cases of squamouscell carcinoma of the ureter.
Screening appeared to reduce risk of both squamouscell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas.
The cells were spindle and roundish in shape and displayed a monolayer sheet in an epithelial pavementcell arrangement.
The cultured cells were spindle or round in shape, showing anaplastic and pleomorphic features, a pavementcell arrangement and multilayering without contact inhibition.
We hypothesize that proteins induced under dilute seawater conditions are important for the function of pavementcells in gills of hyper-osmoregulating G. mirabilis.